
Friday 29 November 2013

Creating Custom-Defined Packages

Creating Custom-Defined Packages

Java is a friendly language and permits to create our own packages and use in programming. We know earlier, Java allows us to create our exceptions. Creating packages are indispensable in project development where number of developers are involved doing different modules and tasks. We know packages avoid name collision problems. Package naming conventions are very helpful to locate the applications developed by a single individual or team.
Following steps are to be followed in creating and using packages.
  1. Create a package with a .class file
  2. set the classpath from the directory from which you would like to access. It may be in a different drive and directory. Let us call it as a target directory.
  3. Write a program and use the file from the package.

First Step: Create a package add and place Addtion.class in it
Let us assume C:\java\jfiles is the current directory where we would like to create the package.
C:\ java\jfiles > notepad Tiger.java

package add;

public class Addition{
public static void main(String []args){
int sum;
sum = Integer.parseInt(args[0])+Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
System.out.println("\nSum is:"+sum);
package is a keyword of Java followed by the package name. Just writing the package statement followed by the name creates a new package.
The package statement must be first one in the program. If exists, the import statement must be the second one. Our class declaration is the third. Any order changes, it is a compilation error.
When the code is ready, the next job is compilation. We must compile with package notation. Package notation uses –d compiler option as follows-
C:\ java\jfiles > javac  -d  . Addition.java
The –d compiler option creates a new folder called “add” and places the Addition.class  in it. The dot (.) is an operating system's environment variable that indicates the current directory. It is an instruction to the OS to create a directory called forest and place the Addition.class  in it.

Second step: Set the classpath from the target directory.
Let us assume D:\java_programs is the target directory. Let us access Tiger.class in forest package from here.
From the target directory set the classpath following way.
D:\ java_programs > set classpath=C:\ java\jfiles;%classpath%;
classpath is another environment variable which gives the address of the “add” directory to the OS. %classpath% informs the OS to append the already existing classpath to the current classpath that is right now set.

Third Step: Now finally, write a program or run the above program using the following java command.
C:\java\jfiles>java add.Addition  5 10
Output Shows :

Sum is: 15